We live in an age where workplaces are becoming more inclusive and sensitive to a more neurodivergent reality. The increase of awareness also brings with it niches in our ever-evolving life coaching practice. Here are some key points why ADHD life coaching is flourishing and will continue its momentum moving forward.

Reason #1: ADHD Life Coaching is now respected as part of the interdisciplinary treatment approach

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects “approximately 11% of children and almost 5% of adults in the US.”, according to a 2023 article published by ADDtitude Magazine.

Assessment of the condition requires psychiatrists and developmental pediatricians to evaluate symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity in accordance with updated diagnostic and statistical manuals. Contrary to popular belief, most doctors shouldn’t just prescribe medication, expecting it to do all the work. Given the sheer numbers, complexities  and needs of those with ADHD, a whole range of interventions and providers, including therapists and special education teachers, should be utilized for a tailored-fit treatment.

In this context, trust for ADHD life coaching has grown globally as many more trained coaches demonstrate high ethical standards and tout undeniable results. The Australian ADHD Professionals Association (AADPA) in 2022, for example, has included ADHD coaching as part of their clinical evidence-based guideline. A world’s first, the evidence is described as having “… reflected potential positive outcomes for people with ADHD in supporting their executive functioning, ADHD symptoms, self-esteem, well-being and quality of life.”

Reason # 2: Life Coaching Topics are ALSO Typical ADHD issues.

My first encounter with “ADHD” coaching was actually a “non-ADHD” coaching demo through my local ICF Chapter. To my surprise, the topic was about the client’s tendency to be enthusiastic to start projects, but not following through – a common ADHD issue. Though this doesn’t sound uncommon, nor sound like an outlier, the big difference is that people with ADHD experience such issues with greater intensity. As can be seen from the picture below, ADHD symptoms are the just tip of the iceberg, and the deeper issues beneath are well addressed by coaching.

Reason # 3: ADHD Life Coaches tend to be fit for coaching.

ADHD life coaches are people who have ADHD too. Or, if not, have a child or relative who has one. When they get into coach training, they are already coming from a very open-minded and empathic place, enthusiastic to make a living helping this life themselves. This has led to amazing ICF-Accredited training centers with particular focus on ADHD life coaching. One such institution is the International ADHD Coach Training Center (iACT Center), which bestows the “Certified ADHD Life Coach” (CALC) credential.

If you have ADHD and this article resonates with you, consider getting the training / certification to become an ADHD Life Coach.


Fiel John Meria

ADHD Life Coach finishing certification as Advanced Certified ADHD Life Coach and PCC credentialing under the International ADHD Coach Training Center

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