How does “Makatao” Leadership look like for you? What meaningful difference will “Makatao” Leadership brings to you and your team?

For me, “Makatao” Leadership is about the practice of leaders SUPPORTING themselves and allowing their people to BE THEMSELVES. For the leader, this brings unshakeable confidence as to who they are when they are with others; allowing them to feel safe enough in welcoming the diverse experiences from people who have diverse personalities. Isn’t this just sheer wonder, that feeling of becoming alive as one enlivens others? Being enlivening is not just becoming a better leader… it speaks actually of becoming a better human being.

The October episode of People Manager On-Cam speaks to me a lot of learning about the leadership that impacts people wellbeing. Let me share with you these two reflective learnings I took away from it:


Practicing “Makatao” (Humane) Leadership begins with the practice of being a “Tao” (human being) first. When one practices self-connection, one heightens that state of being. Imagine leading yourself with a self-connected life. You enable yourself to live on with what matters to you – that which leads you to realize your purpose and what flourishes your values. You are clear on what matters, thus, you make time for more meaningful activities and say no to what is meaningless towards your purpose and values.


In my observations, compassion is a basic attitude of Filipinos. This is most visible and noted in our Hospitality or Tourism industry. As compassion is deeply ingrained in our being as Filipinos, we can use this to thrive in our leadership practices by turning this into mindful self-compassion. This involves treating yourself the way you would treat a friend who is having a tough, challenging time.

        In practicing “Makatao” Leadership, it is more of an inside out approach. You get self- connected and become mindfully compassionate for yourself and others.

Jacqueline Fe Retes-Luy, PCC, FPM

Jacque, the Founder and Owner of Movimentum Leadership and Management Consultancy is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by International Coaching Federation (ICF) and a People and Culture Thought Leader with an executive leadership education at Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston and a Certified Transformational Coach (Advanced Practitioner) by Coach Masters Academy, Global.

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Master’s degree in Industrial Counseling. With learning as her inspiration and passion, she completed a Diploma Course on Innovation and Creative Entrepreneurship (ICE) at Thames International and is currently pursuing a Global Leadership Diploma Course at the Executive Education of the University for Peace, Costa Rica.

She has more than 22 years professional and management experience in various organizations including Banana, Leisure and Tourism, Port and Logistics, Real Estate, Wholesale, Retail and Mall, Academe, and Shared Services. She has devoted 10 years in academe industry, 13 learning years in strategic executive leadership with special focus on HR, OD and Culture Transformation as part of the Executive Team and 5 years in multi-function shared services general management as Vice President and General Manager where she collaboratively conceptualized, build and operationalized an ROHQ Shared Services Organization.

She is also a Coach and the Business Unit Lead for Haraya Coaching Mindanao and an Associate Consultant of Innerview Consultancy. Jacque is an Accredited Fellow in People Management accredited by PMAP Society of Fellows and the Communications Committee Head of the International Coaching Federation Philippines Charter Chapter, a volunteer leader.

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